The walking corpses that
infested the Monroeville Mall in the legendary 1979 film Dawn of the Dead eventually had a more plausible, non-fictional
parallel. The malls themselves became the zombies. By the late 1980s, we learned
that Shopping Pop could die, rot, and become a mildewed tourist attraction for
certain kinds of explorers. Dead Pop, Rotted Pop, Resurrected Pop.
The same year that Dawn
of the Dead was released in theaters
across the country, the Dixie Square Mall in the Chicago suburb of Harvey was
closed due to a rising crime rate and falling property values. The shopping
center stood empty and sealed for several years. It was used in an infamous car
chase scene in the movie The Blues Brothers. The mall remained abandoned, and quickly began to
By the 1990s, what remained of the shopping center had become an
end-of-the-world destination for urban explorers. The ruins of Dixie Square are
perhaps the most oft-photographed example of suburban decay to be found on the
internet. After three decades of
abandonment, this symbol of dead-pop is now being torn down. And the
demolition feels oddly historic.